Hi Rob, Daniel, release team,

(Please CC me on replies, I'm not in the release team list)

Now that Wheezy is Stable, it's time to fix container creation for the point 
release. As of current stable, most of the LXC userland tools are working, but 
the container creation templates still rely on live-debconfig which is not in 
Wheezy. I've asked the release team and it is highly unlikely that 
live-debconfig will be allowed in Wheezy. A solution would be to add it to 
wheezy-backports and require backports for using LXC, but that doesn't seem 
elegant to me.

There's a better solution: Rob has a fixed template that does not use 
live-debconfig, and he said he is willing to support it. The release team 
suggested the solution that a non-maintainer upload is done with the working 
template in it. Once this is done, a bug can be opened with release.d.o that 
explains the situation; if this happens in time, the fix may be in the first 
Wheezy point release. That would make the lxc package significantly more 
useful. (live-debconfig is already in Jessie, so this is not relevant there.)

Rob, are you willing to pick this up? It would come down to replacing the 
templates in debian/local, then upping the version to something like 
0.8.0~rc1-8+deb7u1-wheezy1. Once you've got a new source package, we can open a 
release.d.o bug. I'm not a Debian maintainer myself, and my own experience here 
is limited to creating packages that are used internally and never uploaded to 
the archive, but if needed I'll help you if I can.


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