On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 20:26:30 +0200, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:

> dvd-slideshow, dvdwizard, tribler and videotrans still depend on ffmpeg.
> dvd-slideshow would make a good removal candidate. #710411 is open since May 
> and
> has not received a reply from the maintainer.
> dvdwizard and videotrans appear on the list of auto-removal candidates. 
> tribler
> has been uploaded recently but still depends on ffmpeg.
So, err, dvd-slideshow, dvdwizard and videotrans have the same
Maintainer as libav.  How is this still unfixed?  If these packages are
unmaintained, can the pkg-multimedia team please take care of cleaning
up its cruft?


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