Control: tags -1 + pending

On Mon, 2013-10-07 at 21:24 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> [21:11] < h01ger> | adsb: what do you think about uploading debian-edu
> 1.713 (=jessie + edu0 release version) with chmsee and
> debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroup recommends removed? (i mostly ask
> because someone forget to keep a tag for 1.702 (sigh!!) and i'd like
> to upload something which is based on a sane $vcs version)
> [21:13] < h01ger> | (and people who need this functionality can just
> install -edu-config-gosa-netgroups manually)
> [21:13] < h01ger> | so i'll do this instead then. great! :-)

That happened and, with a short stopover in NEW, debian-edu 1.713+deb7u1
is now in proposed-updates.

As per your comments on IRC, slbackup has not been uploaded at this
point, to allow some more time for testing, review and so on.

> [21:15] < adsb> that leaves -config in the "to consider for 7.3" pile
> [21:18] < h01ger> | yes

To makes things easier to track (at least from the Release side), I'm
going to flag this bug as pending now, and use it to track those changes
which made it in to 7.2. Please open a (or some) new bug in order to
track updates for 7.3; thanks.



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