On Wed, Dec  4, 2013 at 16:59:27 -0500, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:

> Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec  3, 2013 at 16:02:17 -0500, Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
> >
> >> If you're good with this plan, give me the word, and I will do the
> >> upload.  I can probably take care of the mass bug filing...I can script
> >> it locally unless you have a quick way to do it.
> >> 
> > Sounds good to me, I think we can go ahead with this.
> I've got it ready to go but with two changes, so I wanted to get
> confirmation.
> 1. Why is it necessary for the transition packages to depend on the
> binary libraries and not just the dev package?  If libtiff4-dev and
> libtiff5-alt-dev depend on libtiff5-dev (>> 4.0.3-6~), isn't this
> sufficient?  Is there some special reason that the dependency on
> libtiff5 (and presumably also libtiffxx5) has to be explicit?
None, as far as I know.

> 2. I think I'm going punt on libtiff4-alt-dev.  Fedora switched over
> to tiff 4.x a while ago and never provided any way for people to build
> against 3.x libraries.  There were only something like 3 packages that
> had any issues, and by now, fixes are available in all cases.  Also,
> unlike libtiff5-alt-dev, which was totally transparent because of
> pkg-config, tiff 3.x doesn't use pkg-config, so having people use it
> would require changes to their builds anyway.
> The new package will 4.0.3-6.  For libtiff4-dev and libtiff5-alt-dev,
> both provided by the "tiff" source package, I have
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libtiff5-dev (>> 4.0.3-6~)
> and for libtiff5-dev, I have
> Replaces: libtiff5-alt-dev (<< 4.0.3-6~), libtiff4-dev (<< 4.0.3-6~)
> Conflicts: libtiff5-alt-dev (<< 4.0.3-6~), libtiff4-dev (<< 4.0.3-6~)
> Provides: libtiff-dev
> For the tiff3 package, I just dropped the libtiff4-dev package and the
> provides of libtiff-dev along with it.  There will be no -dev package
> for tiff 3.x.
Seems fine to me.  I think the Conflicts could be Breaks, but that can
always be changed later anyway.


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