[Re-sending with a gzipped attachment, as the BTS's spam-checking ate
the original]

Control: tags -1 + wheezy confirmed

On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 23:15 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> whois in stable should be updated due to the many changes in the 
> database.
> I think that the smartest choice would be to reupload the latest 
> release, once it will have transitioned to testing.
> All the changes are either documentation and database changes or
> trivial fixes contributed by Red Hat.
> The complete diff, after removing the translation updates, is 44 KB,
> so maybe it is more practical to review the commits in the git
> repository available from https://github.com/rfc1036/whois .

44KB's not that much. :-)

I've attached a copy of the translation-filtered diff between 5.0.23 and
5.1.0 for the record, which I'd be happy to have uploaded to stable as
5.1.0~deb7u1 with a suitable changelog stanza. One query:

     while ((ch = GETOPT_LONGISH(argc, argv,
-               "abBcdFg:Gh:Hi:KlLmMp:q:rRs:St:T:v:V:x", longopts, 0)) > 0) {
+               "abBcdFg:Gh:Hi:KlLmMp:q:rRs:t:T:v:V:x", longopts, 0)) > 0) {
 /* flags for RIPE-like servers */
-const char *ripeflags="abBcdFGKlLmMrRSx";
+const char *ripeflags="abBcdFGKlLmMrRx";

This change isn't explicitly documented afaics. Have servers stopped
supporting the "S" flag, or was it not actually supported to begin with?



Attachment: whois_5.0.23-5.1.0.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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