On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 00:56:48 +0100, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:

> With osgEarth 2.4 and QGIS 2.2 added to the mix, the process becomes:
>  1) upload spatialite             4.1.1-6 to unstable
>  2) upload librasterlite           1.1g-4 to unstable
>  3) binnmu mapnik             2.2.0+ds1-6 in unstable

1 and 2 happened, so I've done 3 (with a dep-wait on librasterlite2).

>  4) upload libgaiagraphics          0.5-2 to unstable
>  5) upload spatialite-tools       4.1.1-3 to unstable
>  6) upload spatialite-gui         1.7.1-3 to unstable
>  7) upload pyspatialite           3.0.1-5 to unstable
>  8) binnmu gdal             1.10.1+dfsg-4 in unstable
>  9) binnmu merkaartor            0.18.1-3 in unstable
> 10) upload osgearth          2.5.0+dfsg-1 to unstable
> 11) upload qgis                   2.2.0-1 to unstable

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