Control: tags -1 -confirmed

On 27/05/14 17:08, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> Control: tags -1 confirmed
> On 20/04/14 08:46, Mark Purcell wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:37:52 Julien Cristau wrote:
>>> Are there any API changes?  Have the reverse deps been build tested?
>> Julien,
>> No API changes apparent.
>> sipwitch     binNMU OK
>> linphone binNMU OK
>> Updated Ben file:
>> title = "libexosip2";
>> is_affected = .depends ~ "libosip2-10|libexosip2-10" | .depends ~ 
>> "libosip2-11|libexosip2-11";
>> is_good = .depends ~ "libosip2-11|libexosip2-11";
>> is_bad = .depends ~ "libosip2-10|libexosip2-10";
> I have updated the tracker (fixing "libfoo|libbar" to /libfoo|libbar/). 
> libosip
> brings another rdep, siproxd. Can that one be handled with a binnmu? If so,
> please go ahead and upload libexosip and libosip to unstable.

Please hold this until after the libgnutls-deb0-28 transition, as they clash and
that one is ongoing now.


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