Le 27/08/2014 00:03, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort a écrit :
> On 14/08/14 07:46, Eric Maeker wrote:
>> Hi Emilio,
>> Version 0.7-2 was uploaded by Andreas and correct the headers package name. 
>> See the new queue please.
>> I'll make some ultimate checks on the freemedforms-project source package 
>> and will ping Andreas when ready for an upload.
> Any progress on this?

Hi Emilio,

I've done some correction in the d/rules of the package (that did not
work with dual Qt version installed). Now all packages build like a charm.

*But* lintian raises four errors due to the use of a minified JS in the
documentation package. This is a very new issue for me as its detection
was introduced recently.

E: freemedforms-project source: source-is-missing
E: freemedforms-project source: source-is-missing
E: freemedforms-project source: source-is-missing
E: freemedforms-project source: source-is-missing

Whatever is, currently, I  can not find the non-minified JS source as it
is an old and unmaintained theme of dokuwiki.

Do you think that I can use lintian-overrides to pass through this error?

If you agree, I can make/commit the changes tonight.

Thanks for your help.
Eric Maeker
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