Hi, I hope you are the right person to discuss regarding our IBM Users Global for your Marketing Initiatives like Email Marketing, Tele Marketing and Direct mailing. We also have the data for other IBM Users Like: Computer Hardware, Computer Software, IT Services, IT Consulting, IBM Software Users, IBM Server Users, System and Server Users, IBM Storage Users, JD Edward Users, IBM Tivoli Users, IBM Technology Users, IBM Lotus Notes Users and many more. If interested do share your target audience like Industry / Geography / Job title, So that we can provide you with counts and other details. Look forward for your response and thoughts. Best Regards, Stacey Edward Marketing Executive 1 Best Data Inc. Services: |Data Appending| Email Campaigns| Email marketing |B2B Email List ____________________________________________________________________________ ___ If you do not wish to receive further emails kindly reply with "Leave Out" or "Unsubscribe"