
Adam D. Barratt <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> (2015-08-18):
> We're somewhat overdue for both 8.2 and 7.9 now (in that order). Some
> potential September dates:
> 5/6th - okay for me
> 12/13th - the 12th doesn't work for me until at least mid-afternoon
> 19th/20th - looks okay
> 26th/27th - looks okay
> >From a quick chat, it appears that the CD team are okay with us doing
> the two releases back-to-back or on the same weekend, as long as we're
> okay with the media sets being produced at a slight delay,
> particularly for Wheezy; what are others thoughts on that?

As september is so far away from me, I don't have any preferences for
any dates, so please pick whatever you see fit, and I'll (try to)


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