
with #796323 a updated version of Icedove was uploaded to t-p-u.
Depended on the GCC5 transition and it's migration progress some blocks
coming along with this also to the current version of Icedove in
unstable. So the version in testing is the outdated version 31.7.0-1,
Wheezy and Jessie got 31.8.0-* in the between times.

The 31.8.0 marks the end of the ESR series for version 31 so we don't
wanted to package 31.8.0 for testing and worked on 38.0.1-1 in unstable
so far. In the between time updated to 38.1.0-1.

As made clear by Nils Thykier af DebConf we should not upload to
unstable anymore if not really related to GCC5 transition he proposed me
to upload newer ESR versions of Icedove to t-p-u.
That's done last week by the bugnumber above.

So sorry for maybe stupid asking, what needs to be done to get accept
the upload of Icedove 38.2.0-1~stretch in testing?

Did I need to append a debdiff?

Carsten Schoenert

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