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On 2015-10-29 8:57, Sven Hoexter wrote:
The Fuzzing Project found two issues in the exfat-utils package and the security
team asked me to fix them via a stable update.

exfat-utils (1.1.0-2+deb8u1) jessie; urgency=medium

  * Add quilt to build-deps.
  * Add --with quilt to dh invocation in d/rules.

Why is that being suggested for the jessie update but not the equivalent wheezy update? (For completeness we're generally not in favour of adding patch systems in stable updates.)

  * Add d/patches/check-sector-and-cluster-size. Fix for found and reported by
    The Fuzzing Project.
  * Add d/patches/detect-infinite-loop. Fix for found and reported by
    The Fuzzing Project.

Are both of these issues resolved in (or not relevant to) unstable?



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