On 2015-12-18 9:45, Arto Jantunen wrote:
"Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> writes:

On 2015-12-18 8:20, Arto Jantunen wrote:
"Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> writes:


The next point release for "jessie" (8.3) is scheduled for Saturday,
January 23rd. Processing of new uploads into jessie-proposed-updates
will be frozen during the preceding weekend.

Has the deadline already been missed for reviewing #801441?

The only deadline that exists is the one mentioned in the quote you

So I can expect a review (from you?) and possible ack before that

That would be the hope, yes.

(In practice, there's a small number of people reviewing or otherwise handling updates, and a not-so-small number and size of updates to review.)



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