Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 20/02/16 14:29, Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> A small transition of libpgm, its soname changed from 5.1 to 5.2 which
> is already in experimental.
> Affected packages are:
> libxs
> zeromq
> zeromq3
> Library packages are co-installable and can be a smooth transition.
> However libxs and zeromq need sourceful uploads. The latter is not a
> problem as I'm its maintainer.
> The former, libxs package seems to be an abandoned one. Upstream no
> longer exists, last maintainer upload[1] was in 2012 and NMUed in 2013.
> The zeromq{,3} uploads will be handled by me. Of course, I can further
> NMU libxs if needed or provide patch for maintainer upload.

Go ahead.

As for libxs, either NMU it or file a serious bug with a patch.


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