On Friday, April 22, 2016 06:32:15 PM Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> Control: tag -1 moreinfo
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 06:52:45PM -0400, Robert James Clay wrote:
> > Please accept ledgersmb_1.3.47-1~deb8u1 for the next Jessie point release.
> > It resolves the issues with the current version of ledgersmb in 'jessie'
> > (1.3.40-1) of the package failing to complete an install without errors.
> Could you expand on the details please? The proposed patch is 139K and:
>  97 files changed, 1286 insertions(+), 623 deletions(-)
> Quite a lot, and the changelog includes words like "New upstream release"
> which immediately rings alarm bells.

    Admittedly, the upstream changes come to about 70% of the diff but all of 
those changes between LedgerSMB v1.3.40 and v1.3.47 were bug fixes, not feature 
changes (which didn't happen until the now released but not yet uploaded to 
Debian v1.4.x series), and were unrelated to the issues with the package 
installation errors. And of the upstream versions between those two, only 
v1.3.46-1 was uploaded to Debian and that also turned out to have an package 
installation error, albeit not one as serious as with the 1.3.40-1 package.  
The only way I can see to avoid all that is by creating a 1.3.40-2 package for 
jessie-pu, and backporting the packaging changes as necessary but newer 
upstream versions have already been uploaded so such a package version would 
not be able to go through the usual sequence of unstable -> testing -> jessie-

    A long standing installation related issue had been that the package 
installation process failed to configure the Ledgersmb DB admin user with the 
necessary credentials when the non-default option to do so was selected.  With 
1.3.40-1 when the debconf option was selected, there was also a "syntax error" 
that came up during the package installation (Debian bug #698298).  That could 
be aborted and one could then run the install/upgrade again, not doing the 
package configuration;  but one would then have to set the user name & password 
for the LedgerSMB Database Admin manually in any case and there were also then 
apache2 related errors that come up resulting from the LedgerSMB Apache 
configuration, which ones depending on if the apache2 package is already 
installed and what modules might already be configured.

    With 1.3.46-1, the issue with configuring the LedgerSMB database admin user 
was resolved by dropping the use of dbconfig-common and adding a script 
installed by the package that would directly set user name and password for 
it.  It was also intended to resolve the issues with the LedgerSMB Apache 
configuration but it turned out there was still such an issue, related to 
enabling the Apache rewrite module as necessary with the ledgersmb package 
install.  That in turn was resolved with the 1.3.47-1 package version.

    There were other package related changes between 1.3.40-1 and 1.3.47-1 but 
the above summarizes the ones related to the package installation errors, 
which is what I feel is needed to resolve the issue with such errors being 
seen with the current version of LedgerSMB in the current Debian Stable 
('Jessie'). If you have any other questions, please let me know.

   Robert James Clay

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