On 20/06/16 20:17, Anton Gladky wrote:
> Dear release team,
> I am not sure, whether I ask the question, using
> the correct address. If I am not right, please redirect
> me.
> Two of my packages (liggghts and yade) are waiting to
> be build on build servers due to unsatisfied dependency
> with the following note:
> =========
> liggghts build-depends on:
> - amd64:libvtk6-dev
> amd64:libvtk6-dev depends on:
> - amd64:python-vtk6 (= 6.3.0+dfsg1-1)
> amd64:python-vtk6 depends on:
> - amd64:python-twisted
> amd64:python-twisted depends on:
> - amd64:python-twisted-core (>= 16.2.0-1)
> amd64:python-twisted-core depends on:
> - amd64:python-openssl
> amd64:python-openssl depends on:
> - amd64:python-cryptography (>= 1.3)
> amd64:python-cryptography depends on missing:
> - amd64:python-cffi-backend-api-min (<= 9729)
> =========
> Can it happen due to some ongoing transitions and I should
> just wait?

That's not caused by any transition. That's due to missing support for versioned
provides on dose/stable (the one we run on wanna-build).

Josch, you told me backporting dose wasn't easy because of ocaml. Can you be a
bit more specific? Does the new dose version depend on a new ocaml compiler? If
so, would it be easier to cherry-pick this feature?

If we can't backport this, then maybe we should tell people to not use versioned
provides until Stretch is released.


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