On 2016-07-21 16:18 +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 02:21:02AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
>> Some of the new bugs are like this:
>>   make: *** No rule to make target 'build-indep'. Stop.
>> Targets build-arch and build-indep are mandatory, and this was already
>> decided by dpkg author. This is not new, so I would raise those bugs
>> to serious now.
> A small clarification: What was decided by dpkg author is to drop a
> hack which enabled those packages to build successfully.
> The mass bug filing was announced by Niels here:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2016/04/msg00023.html
> Quoting Niels:
>> We intend to do another round of MBF for this problem once we have
>> located a way to break down the remaining packages into smaller and more
>> manageable sets.
> I think the second round of MBF did not take place yet.

It did, albeit a bit later than planned.  See Guillem's followup this
month[1] and the list of bugs Niels has filed[2].


1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2016/07/msg00130.html

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