Am 05.09.2016 um 18:16 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> debian/patches/0.113/sessionmonitor-systemd-Use-sd_uid_get_state-to-check.patch
> and
> debian/patches/0.113/sessionmonitor-systemd-prepare-for-D-Bus-user-bus-mo.patch
> where added to support the systemd --user / D-Bus user model.
> This is not really a concern for jessie though.
> So my proposal would be, to simply disable those two particular patches.
> Those would be the only change between policykit-1/0.105-15~deb8u1 and
> deb8u2.
> Does that sound ok to you?

Fwiw, I've setup a test-VM with lxde and lighdm and tested both
combinations (systemd-sysv + new policykit, sysvinit-core + new
policykit) successfully.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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