
> It depends on what the MATE release includes. If it involves a
> transition (e.g. ABI / API bumps), then you are looking at 5th of
> November as deadline.

Hmm... does it mean changes in soname of some library from MATE
that will cause package name change? E.g. libmate-desktop-2.so ->
libmate-desktop-3.so, then package libmate-desktop-2-17 would have
its name changed too.

Or does something else count as transition? E.g. if some of MATE
packages would change dependency from libmateweather to libgweather.

> Otherwise, I strongly recommend using early/mid-December as the latest
> deadline upstream.  That way the MATE packaging has 2-3 weeks to get it
> uploaded plus another 2-3 to fix any bugs without any extra hassle.  I
> assume here that there is no need for new packages (based on your input
> below).

Yes, there's no plan to add new packages into MATE.

So December means we need to meet soft freeze date (2017-01-05)?
That is, if we already handled the transitions.

Are new upstream versions allowed into Testing between soft freeze
and full freeze (provided that these are only new versions, not new

> Please remember to coordinate with the MATE packaging team so they have
> time to upload it to unstable and let it migrate.

Yes, sure. I just wanted to gather all the necessary info first,
mostly to understand it myself. :)

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