* Cédric Boutillier <bou...@debian.org> [160708 13:33]:
> Will there be minutes or a summary made public for
> this event?

Unfortunately there was no note keeping (I think). The following is
what I can remember:

For the most part, there was a short demo of the scripts the perl
and ruby groups use;
for building, pkg-ruby has Antonio's build-and-upload, pkg-perl has
a script which I only remember as "b". (gregoa, can you explain?)

I've noted that pkg-ruby's "new-upstream" script could be replaced
by a git-buildpackage hook; pkg-perl has a larger wrapper script (as
"dpt import-orig") that does a few things more.

A short demo of "cme fix dpkg*" was given, as well as what
"dh-make-ruby -w" and "dh-make-perl refresh" do. David Bremner noted
that he forked dh-make-perl for emacs/elpa.

In general, pkg-perl has scripts under the "dpt" umbrella; while
this is also shipped as a package, the scripts are runnable from git
itself, and uploading those changes may lag a bit.

It was noted that while our scripts are partially tied to each
group, usually there's nothing inherently group specific, and the
scripts should be sharable if they'd were made configurable. It was
also noted that most scripts in "dpt" are not even perl scripts, so
everybody should be able to work on that.

A short discussion about "information tools" happened, where we
discussed usage of PET, Tracker, DDPO, vcswatch. Raphaël Hertzog
noted he wants PET data to be in Tracker; Gregor Herrmann noted that
the important part of PET is it's "real time" data updates (VCS
pushes cause an update of PET), and the current vcswatch integration
on DDPO lags by at least a day, making it not that nice to use.

  I think that's it; if I forgot something, please point it out!

 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org>
: :' :  Debian Developer
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