On 07/08/2016 09:19 AM, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Jul 2016 13:51:45 +0200, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
>> * Cédric Boutillier <bou...@debian.org> [160708 13:33]:
>>> Will there be minutes or a summary made public for
>>> this event?
>> Unfortunately there was no note keeping (I think). The following is
>> what I can remember:
> Thanks!
>> For the most part, there was a short demo of the scripts the perl
>> and ruby groups use;
>> for building, pkg-ruby has Antonio's build-and-upload, pkg-perl has
>> a script which I only remember as "b". (gregoa, can you explain?)
> That's more my personal laziness than group tools but the scripts are
> in git and as examples in the pkg-perl-tools package:
> b → buildpackage-pdebuild → check-build
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-perl/packages/pkg-perl-tools.git/tree/examples
> (nothing {pkg-,}perl specific there)
>> A short discussion about "information tools" happened, where we
>> discussed usage of PET, Tracker, DDPO, vcswatch. Raphaël Hertzog
>> noted he wants PET data to be in Tracker; Gregor Herrmann noted that
>> the important part of PET is it's "real time" data updates (VCS
>> pushes cause an update of PET), and the current vcswatch integration
>> on DDPO lags by at least a day, making it not that nice to use.
> And from what I've seen, Lucas Kanashiro and Raphaël Hertzog briefly
> chatted about PET and tracker afterwards.
> Cheers,
> gregor

Yes, I talked with him and we will try to find some possible problems
that we will have to "merge" these tools (PET and tracker), verifying
the viability.

Lucas Kanashiro
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