Am / On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 16:35:04 -0300
schrieb / wrote Antonio Terceiro <>:

> > Now every time I push changes to that
> > mentors/webgen-git I seem to trigger some build pocess
> > of the package and the funny thing is, that this build
> > process has a totally different outcome than the one I
> > initiate on my local git with the meta-build script:
> > 
> > When I run the build-script on my local machine the
> > build in the (unstable) sbuild environment works fine
> > (including all tests during the build process) and all
> > tests in the lxc-unstable environment run fine as well.
> > 
> > The build-process that is initiated on salsa fails
> > because some tests (that are done during the
> > build-process) fail. And these are the same tests that
> > run fine here.
> > 
> > Can anybody explain me this difference?  
> Without any details, there is no way for someone to help
> you. This is equivalent to a bug report that just says
> "foo doesn't work!".
> Where are the logs that show the failure? Can you
> identify a specific error message?

You're right of course! I thought there was a general
difference in the build processes which would explain the
difference. And I think there is.

Looking into the logs of both builds I see that my local
build-process does the tests with

... /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/rubygems-integration/2.7.0 
-S rake -f debian/ruby-tests.rake

and with:
Run options: -v --seed 41315

The salsa build process does the tests with:

...  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/rubygems-integration/2.7.0
-S rake -f debian/ruby-tests.rake

and with:
Run options: -v --seed 63101

So the salsa tests are running on an i386-system, mine on
an amd64.

In the result the tests on my machine are running fine,
only one is skipped:

"212 runs, 2102 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 1 skips"

and the package is built;

On salsa I get: 

"212 runs, 1501 assertions, 16 failures, 29 errors, 1 skips
rake aborted!"

and also dh_auto_install aborts.

But I thought ruby packages were architecture independent?

The log of the salsa build and the list the 16 failures and
29 errors are here:

The first is an Argument error in TestErb#test_static_call: 
"invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII"
followed by many with:
"Can't have two nodes with same alcn: /file.html"

Because in webgen's alcn often only differ by a
language extension (e.g.: vs. file.en.html),
the first test-failure might be the reason for all of them.
But to be honest, that's more feeling than knowing.

So, any idea from you? Or do I have to contact the program's
author once more?


Klaumi Klingsporn

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