Am / On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 16:15:37 +0100
schrieb / wrote Klaumi Klingsporn <>:

> The rdoc creation of the documentation copies nearly the
> whole rdoc template from
> /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish and 
> /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rdoc/generator/template/json_index
> (a bunch of js-files, png's and css-files) into the
> builded rdoc-documenation for webgen and therefore in the
> webgen-doc packages which is not necessary and causes the
> trouble. Only one of the js-files (search_index.js) it not
> already on a system that has libruby2.7 installed. Which
> has to be, as ruby is a dependency for webgen.
> So I'll try it the hard way in the rules file: I delete
> all that stuff and create symlinks instead. Let's see how
> salsas build-system likes this.

O.k., building symlinks for the rdoc template-files with
dh_link instead of copying them finally seems to work; at
least the all build jobs worked fine only the reprotest-job
at salsa has an error, but I don't think that's a problem of
the package:

"ERROR: Failed to remove network for build
6ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 1h0m0s

This leaves one ugly thing: Many of the rdoc-template files,
the dh_link created links point to, live in directories
under /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rdoc/generator/template/, which
means that the webgen-doc package would depend on
libruby2.7, although webgen itself don't need a dependency
on a special ruby-version and webgen-doc would neither if
there weren't this symlinks. 

Is there any possibilty to circumvent this? (Using a
variable wouldn't help, because at the end the links would
point to files under /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/ nevertheless).

Any suggestions?


Klaumi Klingsporn

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