On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 16:31:23 +0400 Andrey Melnikoff wrote:

 >> В таком случае возможно этот баг признан не release critical ?
 AM> Нуу. Тогда надо определяться, что есть release critical bug? Совсем не
 AM> собирается? Собирается, но не работет? Собирается, работает но не везеде и
 AM> не у всех?

    Это из reportbug'а:

1 critical        makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system)
                  break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a security
                  hole on systems where you install the package.
2 grave           makes the package in question unusable by most or all users,
                  or causes data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing
                  access to the accounts of users who use the package.
3 serious         is a severe violation of Debian policy (that is, the problem
                  is a violation of a 'must' or 'required' directive); may or
                  may not affect the usability of the package. Note that non-
                  severe policy violations may be 'normal,' 'minor,' or
                  'wishlist' bugs. (Package maintainers may also designate
                  other bugs as 'serious' and thus release-critical; however,
                  end users should not do so.)
4 important       a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package,
                  without rendering it completely unusable to everyone.
5 does-not-build  a bug that stops the package from being built from source.
                  (This is a 'virtual severity'.)
6 normal          a bug that does not undermine the usability of the whole
                  package; for example, a problem with a particular option or
                  menu item.
7 minor           things like spelling mistakes and other minor cosmetic errors
                  that do not affect the core functionality of the package.
8 wishlist        suggestions and requests for new features.

 >> Либо же мантейнеры стали халтурить, но в это верить как-то не хочется.
 AM> Интересно, а огромное количество багов в состоянии outstanding - это
 AM> результат отсутствия ручки closed/resolved или таки показатель "забили" ?

    И так и так бывает. Чаще - "забили". В общем, это показатель "качества" 
работы  мантейнера пакета.

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