On Sun, Nov 01, 2015 at 11:54:27AM +0100, Philipp Kern wrote:
> I wonder how you got into the disk partitioner in the first place. All
> my tries caused fatal errors in the DASD configuration part and it
> wouldn't let me proceed. So s390-dasd will need a fix to detect this
> situation. After I deactivated s390-dasd's postinst, it proceeded into
> the installer and offered all filesystem options. (I'm not saying that
> the result would work, just that the partitioner created filesystems
> correctly.)

In fact, putting an "exit 0" into s390-dasd.postinst was sufficient, if
booted with enough memory. (I.e. more than 128M.) The resulting disk
does boot with qemu.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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