I am wondering whether we have downgraded the machines to 5.10.0-20 kernel to 
get rid of the kernel bug which is known to cause issue in user processes at 
random - described in the cover letter here: 

The following patch fixes this issue:
The patch fixes the problem introduced in commit 75309018a24d ("s390: add 
support for TIF_NOTIFY_SIGNAL")

Can we check if the patch solves any of the CI issues?


On 16.02.23 17:49, Paul Gevers wrote:
> As you can see e.g. here [1,2] it comes and goes (albeit sometimes the
> queue was empty). I don't think its very different, I just never got out
> of the s390x host what I was expecting. Long time I blamed it on the
> "stealing" that happens on a shared host, but I think there's more.
> https://ci.debian.net/munin/ci-worker-s390x-01/ci-worker-s390x-01/debci_packages_processed.html

So a pet peeve of mine are unitless graphs. Can we please annotate what
the unit is? If we're looking at "Packages processed by architecture"[1]
(which again, isn't a workable unit), then we see that s390x does not
have a bad average, nor an overly bad max - given that it's with one
worker instead of like 14 for amd64 and 10 for arm64?

The average/max for the week is double for amd64 vs. s390x, so what does
the queue size mean? Is there still obsolete work in the queue as well
or does every item have the same value? (There's no way right now it can
catch up with that many items in the queue. Although that again depends
on the unit...)

Kind regards
Philipp Kern


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