Hi all:

I would like to ask for sponsoring on a new package, fcl. Leo started
the work and I'm finishing the packaging.

Description, in fcl project own words:
FCL is a collision and proximity library that integrates several
techniques for fast and accurate collision checking and proximity
computation. The library is based on hierarchical representations and
designed to perform multiple proximity queries on different model

But I know that you all prefer to see videos with robots:

It is used for ROS (Robotics operative system) and for other physics
engines (like DART) and software in the robotics world. There are plenty
of embedded copies or packages in PPAs/overlays to consider the
introduction into the official repository.

As usual with these robotics libraries, the patch for blends is short:

diff --git a/tasks/robotics-dev b/tasks/robotics-dev
index 7d187bb..a304996 100644
--- a/tasks/robotics-dev
+++ b/tasks/robotics-dev
@@ -32,3 +32,5 @@ Depends: libconsole-bridge-dev
 Depends: libcomedi-dev, python-comedilib

 Depends: libccd-dev
+Depends: libfcl-dev

Jose Luis Rivero <jriv...@osrfoundation.org>

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