One thing about scientists is sure, we all love to argu^H^H^H^H
discuss. That is definitely a positive thing and allows careful
consideration of the various points of view of a topic that may not be
obvious to everyone, so rock on!

As far as this menu issue goes, there have been some good points made
about organization and classification schemes. However I think the
real point of this discussion is how should a menu be organized to
facilitate easy and logical navigation to an app.

That said, I think we should not overly subdivide. If the menu depth
gets too large, we will be spending more time clicking menu levels
than scanning a menu list for the app name. For example in my
experience, I may have a couple of astronomy apps, but rarely 50
installed on any one system. I doubt many users will want to click
Apps -> Science -> Astronomy -> Cosmology to get a list containing 1
cosmology program that is installed. Same for other fields of science.

How many of us actually have more than 5-10 apps installed for a given field?

Also, to avoid some of the confusion about Education vs Science, would
it make sense to replace "Education" with "Teaching" and use that
category for quiz tools, etc?


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