On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 18:10 +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > > There is not much progress so far with respect to changing mpi-defaults
> > > to use MPICH2 instead of LAM on the architectures where Open MPI is not
> > > available yet. This needs a round of binNMUs. Marc Brockschmidt said he
> > > will look at the request to debian-release in the next few days, so this
> > > might resolve soon as well.
> > 
> > Something to consider: this will break a lot of packages which use
> > FORTRAN until 563705 is fixed, and then that will require mods to
> > packages.
> I understand that bug as:
> if mpich2 or openmpi don't do the right thing when calling
> mpif77/mpif90, then symlinks are needed.
> Is there a proof that either of them doesn't do the right thing?
> Wouldn't it be more appropriate to fix them to do the right thing?
> (Those are honest questions -- I don't know anything about fortran)

As discussed before (including in the bug), when there are mixed FORTRAN
and C++ symbols, it's not clear whether to use mpif77/90 or mpic++.

Also, it's a big convenience: a lot of packages make multiple
executables and/or libraries, some of which use MPI and some don't.
Pointing them to -lmpi -lmpi++ -lmpif77 for the MPI execs/lib
directories seems easier than telling them to use mpicc and friends for
some targets and gcc for others.

And we have libmpi.so and libmpi++.so symlinks, why not libmpif77.so? :)

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