Hi Andrea, hi team,

First: I have reviewed the changes and I am globally satisfied with the packaging (some comments below), I would happily sponsor the upload with a few changes.

Could someone please give access to the repo to Andrea, and/or also allow me (pgt) to process such requests by raising my level to Owner?
Thanks a lot in any case.

Le 02/09/2022 à 22:06, Andrea Pappacoda a écrit :
Hi everyone!

I've been wanting to adopt the glm package, maintained by the Science Team, since last September.

It is great someone cares about this package, thanks!

I'm a DM, so I can't directly take ownership of the package nor push to Salsa. Could somebody please look at my changes, give me write access to the repo and possibly sponsor the first upload? You can find my changes here: <https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/glm/-/merge_requests/2/diffs>

I've already asked this on IRC, and joostvb, while approving my changes in general, said that it would've been better to ask this on the mailing list.

As I said above, the overall quality is very good. I have some comments and remarks:
- You could raise the Standards version to the current one;
- The glmConfig.cmake and glmConfig-version.cmake should be patched, as (given where you now install them) they are setting GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS to be ``/usr/share'', while we want ``/usr/include''; - A follow-up notice in debian/tests/glm-tests: the tests refer to ``${glm_INCLUDE_DIRS}'' which is empty. ``${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}'' is more appropriate.
- You could solve the (only!) Lintian note, caught by
        lintian -i -I ,
by calling iconv from debian/rules by overriding a relevant dh_ step;
- To stick to the Debian-science policy, you should set the Section of the source package to ``science'' or ``math''; - There is no ``Files: debian/*'' stanza in debian/copyright, adding one would be nice; - The long description of libglm-dev in debian/control is not gender-neutral.

Thanks in advance :)

Thanks again for working on this package!



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