Thanks Pierre and Anton for your feedback!

Il giorno sab 3 set 2022 alle 21:32:09 +02:00:00, Pierre Gruet <> ha scritto:
As I said above, the overall quality is very good. I have some comments
and remarks:
- You could raise the Standards version to the current one;
- The glmConfig.cmake and glmConfig-version.cmake should be patched, as (given where you now install them) they are setting GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS to
be ``/usr/share'', while we want ``/usr/include'';

Didn't notice this, thanks for spotting the issue! I'd actually prefer to replace the current .cmake files with automatically generated ones, like done in the latest snapshot of the upstream repo, as they should be more complete/accurate.

- A follow-up notice in debian/tests/glm-tests: the tests refer to
``${glm_INCLUDE_DIRS}'' which is empty. ``${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}'' is more

I didn't even take a look at d/tests :/

I'll fix it too.

- You could solve the (only!) Lintian note, caught by
        lintian -i -I ,
by calling iconv from debian/rules by overriding a relevant dh_ step;

Thanks, I'll look into this too.

- To stick to the Debian-science policy, you should set the Section of
the source package to ``science'' or ``math'';

Oh thanks, I didn't know there was a Debian-science policy - I'm reading it right now. I'll probably change the section to math, as GLM stands for OpenGL Mathematics

- There is no ``Files: debian/*'' stanza in debian/copyright, adding one
would be nice;

I'll add it soon.

- The long description of libglm-dev in debian/control is not

Gender-neutral language is not my area of expertise (in my native language even tables have a gender...), what should I change "when a programmer knows GLSL, he knows GLM as well" to? "they know GLM"?

Thanks again for your feedback! I submitted the pull request on the Salsa repo a while ago, and I didn't know much about packaging back then. I'm going to fix everything you reported (and possibly more) as soon as possible :)

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