Hello Team,

As you know, we are close to the soft freeze for the bullseye
release[0], so I started working on the packages that didn't have any
uploads made after the last stable release (mid 2019).

If you feel like looking for something to work on, I would be happy to
have someone helping me tidying up our team's packages.

My approach to it is currently to pick any package with the same
version in stable and testing and working on a new upload, even if
it's just to bump the usual stuff like debhelper and policy, most of
the packages can benefit from a simple rebuild (which will use an
updated tooling, like a newer compiler).
For pretty much all of the ones I worked on there was more to it
though, like the famous "Rules-Require-Root"[1] field or even a
missing upstream signature, so I can say it's not that boring.

After taking a look at the packages with the old last-upload date, I'd
like to take a look at any packages that are not shipping the latest
upstream version and see if it's sane to package it (talking about
small upstream changes here) and then take a look at any open bugs we

As usual, I'd be happy to sponsor any uploads, and we have about 2
days left for this work (for the packages that take 10 days to


[0] https://release.debian.org/bullseye/freeze_policy.html
[1] For which in one case I could patch upstream to enable a "rootless build"

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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