Improved UDD query (with a commented time window filter):

select bapase.source,
from bapase, all_sources
where bapase.source = all_sources.source and
      all_sources.maintainer_email = '' and
      /*bapase.upload_date <= '2020-01-01'::date and
      bapase.upload_date >= '2018-01-01'::date and*/
      bapase.unstable_version is not null
group by all_sources.source, bapase.source, bapase.upload_date,
bapase.testing_version, bapase.unstable_version, bapase.rc_bugs
order by bapase.upload_date

Slightly shortened result of query:
source                    |upload_date        |testing_version             |rc|
openscap-daemon           |2018-07-25 20:50:30|0.1.10-3                    | 0|
scap-security-guide       |2018-07-26 19:07:41|0.1.39-2                    | 0|
bdfproxy                  |2018-09-11 21:39:33|                            | 1|
dsniff                    |2018-11-05 01:03:59|2.4b1+debian-29             | 1|
statsprocessor            |2019-07-08 17:09:37|0.11+git20160316-2          | 0|
onesixtyone               |2019-07-16 10:34:33|0.3.3~git20190328-2         | 0|
doona                     |2019-08-03 13:34:17|1.0+git20190108-1           | 0|
sandsifter                |2019-08-05 07:09:50|1.04-1                      | 0|
python-darts.lib.utils.lru|2019-09-04 12:20:05|0.5-5                       | 0|
swatch                    |2019-09-15 23:24:13|3.2.4-3                     | 0|
dhcpig                    |2019-09-24 14:49:28|1.5-3                       | 0|
binwalk                   |2019-10-17 09:49:06|2.2.0+dfsg1-1               | 0|
pyaff4                    |2019-10-20 16:35:34|0.27+really0.26.post6-1     | 1|
python-vulndb             |2019-11-17 08:42:15|0.1.3-2                     | 0|
arp-scan                  |2019-11-27 17:49:09|1.9.7-1                     | 0|
samdump2                  |2019-11-28 17:21:29|3.0.0-7                     | 0|
nasty                     |2019-11-28 18:34:34|0.6-4                       | 0|
libewf                    |2019-12-03 16:21:14|20140807-2                  | 1|
unhide                    |2019-12-14 00:34:16|20130526-4                  | 0|
rekall                    |2019-12-26 14:40:17|1.7.2~rc1+git20190104+dfsg-2| 1|

>> As usual, I'd be happy to sponsor any uploads, and we have about 2
>> days left for this work (for the packages that take 10 days to
>> migrate).

> I miscalculated it, we have until around this Friday for the uploads
> to reach testing (if urgency set to medium and without regressions).

I'm actually not being exactly correct on this again, so please refer
to the official doc at:

We can still upload "Only small, targeted fixes" up until at least 2021-03-12.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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