Hello Tian,

> I really appreciate all the support and advice you are giving me.

I'm happy to help :)

I have talked about adding you to the salsa group in a previous email,
but I realized we should only do it if you have intentions of
contributing to other team packages and have already contributed for a
while (since you will be given permission to commit to any project
under the group)[0].
For now you have Mantainer permissions on pocsuite3[1], and so if you
intend to push commits to other packages you can also ask for that
permission (for us to add you to the group) once you have made some
contributions to those packages.

[0] There were a couple of emails about this but for another member,
in a different thread, very recently.
[1] "Maintainer" permission will give you almost everything, I guess
the main thing missing is gonna be permission to remove the salsa

Thank you!

Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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