Hello Tian,

Happy new year!  I just updated pocsuite3 to upstream version 1.8.10,
> could you please help me to review and upload it?

Happy new year to you too!

I uploaded 1.8.10-1 for you.

I have just a couple of comments which are not critical and can be fixed
later in a future upload.
I've noticed you switched the url on d/watch to point to releases/latest, I
suggest considering pointing to tags[0] instead, that way uscan can fetch a
list of recent releases and parse that. Using releases/latest might hide a
new unpackaged release if there was another one more recent which for some
reason gets dropped by uscan (weird version or beta/rc, for example)

It's generally better to let the person who uploads the package to push the
debian/ tag (debian/1.8.10-1), this is because sometimes what you tag as
debian/1.8.10-1 might not be what gets uploaded (if the person reviewing it
makes more changes on top, or example). As an extra note, you might want to
consider signing the tags with your GPG keys as well. If you're using gbp,
the setting is "sign-tags = True" under the "DEFAULT" section.

Thank you for your contributions!

[0] https://github.com/knownsec/pocsuite3/tags


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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