Hello Daichi,

> Thanks for working on this unhide draft package though you were busy in 
> Debconf.

You're welcome, I actually wanted to review during DebConf, but it
turns there were already lots of things to do there so I ended up
doing it soon after.

> I had a look at Debian Policy, Developers Reference and Lintian Reports to 
> understand the issues you pointed out.

Perfect, and for clarity; I suggest making sure your build process
invokes lintian at the end and with the correct flags to get all the
findings and its detailed description. I mentioned this in the review
of libewf also, and I can help you in case you don't have that yet.

> Following is a summary of the changes I made:
> > 1) no-nmu-in-changelog and source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number:
> Yes, I should have added the line "* Team upload".
> d/changelog was corrected accordingly.


> > 2) unhide-gui: description-synopsis-starts-with-article:
> Looks like my short description contains an initial indefinite article, 
> causing this lintian issue.
> d/control was corrected.


> > 3) extended-description-is-probably-too-short:
> OK, the extended description of unhide-gui should be more descriptive.
> The extended description of the unhide package is reused with some small 
> changes.
> d/control was corrected.

> As for the details of the changes mentioned above, take a look at the 
> following comparison result:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/unhide/-/compare/debian%2Fmaster-old...debian%2Fmaster?from_project_id=69150

Thanks for this.

I have pushed your changes to the repo and sponsored the upload,
thanks for contributing!

The package will now go through the NEW queue and should be cleared to
go ahead at some point in time (hopefully it will take only a couple
of weeks).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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