control: tags -1 + pending


so I've deployed my patches now and you can get json at now.

I haven't tested the output against a json validator yet... so feedback 
welcome and I do expect some more work to do...

Important change:
- CVEs are now called "issues" as there are a few different issues than CVEs 

Open questions:
- should the output include description fields if the value is "null"?
- should the output include nodsa fields if the value is "null"?
- should the output include remote fields if the value is "null"?
- for the releases with issue status != "resolved", should the version be 
ommitted? (as its rather meaningless then... also the repositories fields also 
contain those versions. (and those should be kept IMO)

And then I thought, urgency would be a per issue field (and thus would be the 
same for different suites), with the exception that the (suite specific) "end-
of-life" information is also stored there. 

Turned out I was wrong, there are many more cases where the urgency of issues 
*is* suite-specific (plus, issues can affect several packages.)

Unedited debug output (so you can look at these issues if you really care), 
please add spaces mentally:

this should never happen unimportantlowCVE-2015-1563
this should never happen mediumhigh**CVE-2008-5234
this should never happen lowhigh**CVE-2008-5237
this should never happen mediummedium**CVE-2008-5239
this should never happen lowmedium**CVE-2008-5240
this should never happen lowmedium**CVE-2008-5241
this should never happen mediummedium**CVE-2008-5242
this should never happen medium**lowCVE-2011-2516
this should never happen high**lowCVE-2013-1436
this should never happen medium**lowCVE-2011-4613
this should never happen not yet assignedlowTEMP-0000000-269968
this should never happen low**lowCVE-2011-4028
this should never happen unimportanthighCVE-2012-0064
this should never happen unimportanthigh**CVE-2012-2118
this should never happen medium**lowCVE-2013-6424
this should never happen unimportantnot yet assignedCVE-2014-8103


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