Am Freitag,  9. März 2001 23:40 schrieb Robert Mognet:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 05:03:55PM +0100, Niklas H?glund wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Anyone know where I can find a kernel patch that restricts users so..
> > 'who' shows only the user himself
> "who" is not a kernel function, it's a system utility.
> Something like this will work:
> alias who="me=`whoami`; who | grep $me"
> You could put it in /home/user/.bashrc ...

Brilliant idea. The user then does

unalias who

and the restrictions are gone.

The Openwall and LIDS Patches should provide some functionality to restrict 
users from doing some things they are not supposed to. If one really needs a 
system which is strongly tied up one maybe even has to change some utilities 
to provide a different and more restrictive behaviour (i.e. who only 
returning oneself, for example)

Patrick Dreker
> Is there anything else I can contribute?
The latitude and longtitude of the bios writers current position, and
a ballistic missile.        
                         Alan Cox on

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