Then they only have to compile their own version.  Openwall shows only
you when you run 'w' but shows everyone if you 'who'.  Anyone know


-- Original message --

> Am Freitag,  9. März 2001 23:40 schrieb Robert Mognet:
>> Hello,
>> On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 05:03:55PM +0100, Niklas H?glund wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> > Anyone know where I can find a kernel patch that restricts users so..
>> > 'who' shows only the user himself
>> "who" is not a kernel function, it's a system utility.
>> Something like this will work:
>> alias who="me=`whoami`; who | grep $me"
>> You could put it in /home/user/.bashrc ...

> Brilliant idea. The user then does

> unalias who

> and the restrictions are gone.

> The Openwall and LIDS Patches should provide some functionality to restrict 
> users from doing some things they are not supposed to. If one really needs a 
> system which is strongly tied up one maybe even has to change some utilities 
> to provide a different and more restrictive behaviour (i.e. who only 
> returning oneself, for example)

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