On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 07:54:03PM +0100, eim wrote:
> Why has Debian choosen to let users access root's home ?

Why not?  Debian doesn't put any sensitive files there.  In fact, it
doesn't put anything notable there at all.

> Let me say I "chmod 0700 /root", will I encounter any
> problems through some anacrom jobs or anything else ?

Since nothing important is installed in /root, there should be no
problems with denying access.

> I mean, when Debian set "0750 /root" there must be a reason, 
> ...isn't there ?

Presumably the reason is that, traditionally, Unix systems have only
taken away access to sensitive information.  There's nothing sensitive
in /root/, so there's no reason to deny access to it.  Also, since it's
not usually recommended to work as root, there's really no reason for
anything to wind up in /root at all, sensitive or otherwise.

> Have a nice time and check out Lord of the Rings,
> it really rocks :)

Agreed.  I must go see it again soon.  8^)


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