On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 12:40:12PM +0700, Jean Christophe ANDR? wrote:

> Matt Zimmerman ?crivait :
> > This disables access control in the X server.  This is, almost always, a
> > very bad idea.
> A better way to allow it (when you switch from normal to root user) :
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ su -
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# xauth merge ~test/.Xauthority
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# export DISPLAY=:0.0
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# xterm  # or whatever Xwindow program you want to run
> I can remember there was some 'su' feature doing it automagically somewhere
> (with RedHat, Mandrake or another one)...

An easier wethod:

$ su
# export XAUTHORITY=~user/.Xauthority

 - mdz

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