* David Stanaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20021110 14:19]:
> On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 11:42, Joseph Pingenot wrote:
> > xhost is for working with connections coming over tcp.  :0.0 uses
> >   a named socket (/tmp/Xsomething), and Debian's X servers don't listen
> >   in on a tcp socket by default (security.  No chance of someone sniffing
> >   your password if nobody can connect remotely!).  Thus, xhost won't work.
> > 
> Try..  
> xhost + 'local:*'

not much better. this way, you 'only' give local users access to your
X-session to open (transparent, event catching, screenshoting) windows
and the like, not the hole world ..


Andreas Kotes - ICQ: 3741366 - The views expressed herein are (only) mine.
Unser Leben ist das, wozu unser Denken es macht. -- OpenPGP key 0x8F94C228
Our Life is what our thinking makes it.. Your mind is a weapon! Load it ..

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