On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 04:50:39PM +0200, First Last wrote:
> Any constructive suggestions?

For whatever it's worth, I have the exact same problem and have had it
for quite some time.  As in your case, it's not user error; I have
OpenSSH properly configured to allow X11 forwarding on the sshd end, and
I'm using -X on the client end.  DISPLAY gets set properly.  But no
clients are able to access the local X server via the forwarded session.

I wonder if this has something to do with the fact that /home is an NFS
mount, and is thus the same filesystem on all the machines involved.

I'd file a bug, but I can't figure out what information to include in
the report.  Obviously this works for some people, or we'd have heard
more about it by now.  I can't figure out what about my environment
might be different from one in which it works.


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