Noah Meyerhans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 09:48:42PM +0200, First Last wrote:
> It's reassuring to find out I'm not alone with this problem!
> My configuration is different, I have no NFS mounts at all.
> So the problem can't be related to NFS.

Do you have any ListenAddress directives in sshd_config?

This discussion has lead me to investigate this further, and I believe
in my case I was running up against some bugs that had to do with IPv6.
Do you have IPv6 enabled in your kernel?  What happens if you put
in sshd_config?

Yes, in sshd_config on ursa I have:

Changing it to ListenAddress and doing kill -HUP on sshd
didn't change anything.

Yes, I have IPv6 enabled in my kernel.

Your mention of ListenAddress reminded me that
ursa is a firewall; I wonder if my iptables rules are
responsible for the problem. Are you using iptables
on the machine which you have a problem with?

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