On Sábado, 12 de Abril de 2003 05:45, Birzan George Cristian wrote:
> This might be a stupid question

Hi all... let me ask another (probably) stupid question I've thought about for 
a long time.

I always try to use precompiled software as much as possible, software coming 
from the official debian sources, as this gives me the possibility to upgrade 
them all with a simple apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade ; however, 
as for the kernel, I always download sources from an official kernel.org 
mirror and compile them myself with the traditional method.

So my question is: what is the approach people take for this point? Do you, 
sysadmins with lots of machines, apt-get install kernel-source, or do you 
rather get an official kernel? What pros and cons has each of these points? 
Am I missing something important?

TIA for your answers and advice


Luis Gomez Miralles
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