On Sat, Apr 12, 2003 at 10:55:29AM +0200, Luis Gomez wrote:
> So my question is: what is the approach people take for this point? Do you, 
> sysadmins with lots of machines, apt-get install kernel-source, or do you 
> rather get an official kernel? What pros and cons has each of these points? 
> Am I missing something important?

I roll my own; nomodules for servers or secure machines, modules for 
non-secure workstations. Configure them to the specific minimum requirements
of the particular use and not one option more.

I usually build on a different machine than the target one as servers
or firewalls usually don't need gcc and such, which I remove from them
where possible.

One of these days I will get around to using the kpkg mechanism
for my own stuff; I played with it once for a small rack of machines
but then went on to something else and forgot all about it :-)

Probably best recommendation is to build your own and make

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