On Sun, May 25, 2003 at 01:04:30PM -0500, Jayson Vantuyl wrote:
> We have no idea how he's getting in, but we've got his rootkit fairly
> nailed down (he uses a few slightly different ones).

If you believe he'll be back, it might be worth it to set up a honeypot
and a box running tcpdump and capturing all the traffic to honeypot.
Set the honeypot up with the same services you run on your production
machines, and make sure that no services at all (not even ssh) are
runnign on the tcpdump system.  At least that way, when the box gets
cracked, you'll be able to see what ports the guy was talking to when he
broke in.  It also might be useful as evidence in case you ever decide
to try and prosecute him.

I assume the cracked boxes were running woody?  What are the actual
services running on the various open ports?  What versions of the

I don't know of any exploits for the version of OpenSSH included on
security.debian.org for woody.  It would certainly be interesting to
find out that there is one in the wild!


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