On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 01:17:22PM +0200, Thomas Sjögren wrote:
> > -- than use the latest php, apache, postfix, mysql, dns
> >     - probably want to chroot your dns app
> ... and don't forget to build the packages with your SSP patched GCC :)

I doubt if SSP provides additional security beyound PaX.
Any argument in favour of the combination?


ps: thank all of you very much for your opinions regarding the IP-MAC

1024D/37B8D989 954B 998A E5F5 BA2A 3622  82DD 54C2 843D 37B8 D989      
finger://[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Some days, my soul's confined
http://www.keyserver.net | And out of mind
Sleep forever

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