On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 10:40:36PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> Following the debate around LinuxTag, Branden put a trusted and very
> active and skilled developer on the task to research the security
> problems. Unfortunately, he has not been able to get far with this
> job yet, probably due to numerous reasons. If Branden reads this
> (and he should as it's CC'd), I hope he does something about the
> situation, not by putting pressure on the researcher, but by
> actually causing some change.

The only other point of change I can see is the security team itself.
A couple of possibilities come to mind:

1) the developers propose a GR chartering a new security team (as DPL, I
   can propose a GR without getting seconds first[1]);
2) I bring the Debian Security Team under delegation[2].

Neither of these guarantee that the people appointed to the security will
fulfill the tasks demanded of them -- there is Constitution §2.1.1 to

> > The email part is very unfortunate indeed, but it probably doesn't
> > warrant drastic measures.
> Not if we want Debian to become known as an amateur club and lose
> value among professionals. And yeah, client switching to Solaris may
> tell something about their understanding of security... but then
> isn't it all the more important for Debian to get it right and help
> protect those that don't know better?

[1] Constitution §4.2.1, §5.1.5
[2] Constitution §5.1.1, §8

G. Branden Robinson
Debian Project Leader

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