On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 01:15:18PM -0600, William Twomey wrote:
> I guess my point is if the 'iptables' package is installed by default on  
> Debian, then better integration with Debian would probably be a good 
> idea.

Iptables provides the tools, the init.d script was removed since it
conflicted other firewall packages and it was decided (by the maintainer)
that it was better to just provide the tools and let the users select which
firewall-ruleset handling tool they wanted to use.

> Why is iptables installed by default and why is there no debian way to  
> load/save/unload the iptables rules without making your own init script?  
> Why was the init script removed from Debian (security? no maintainer?)


"  Remember this: just installing the iptables (or the older firewalling
   code) does not give you any protection, just provides the software. In
   order to have a firewall you need to configure it! "

If you don't want to use any of the firewall tools available you can setup
your own init.d script as outlined in the "Securing Debian Manual" (see
section or through ifupdown (see section

The maintainer removed the script, for more information see #212692.

Unfortunately the maintainer also decided (later on) to remove the
README.Debian file which (kind of) explained what was expected of this
package. Attached is an older version of this file. I've asked the maintainer
(through the BTS) to restore it.

> The fact that a debian machine connected to the internet is vulnerable  
> to attacks that have build-in protection on Linux/iptables is strange to  
> me.

"Vulnerable to attacks" is a rather large statement. The default installation
of Debian does only provide a limited number of services and few of them have
had known vulnerabilities. People complain of portmap, but it has not had any
reported vulnerabilities in ages.

The Debian approach is to limit as few services by default as possible,
Ubuntu is even more extreme. None of them provide a firewall as it is not
initially needed.

> It would be nice to be able to enable these settings so they stay  
> after a reset via apt or the install.

You can do this at install time, just install any of the firewall tools.
True, none is enabled but default, if you feel this is a bug nag the tasksel
definitions to add, for example, the 'firestarter' package in the GNOME
Desktop task or 'guarddog' for KDE. But I'm afraid that there is no "better"
choice (specially for headless installations) see


iptables for Debian

  0. introduction
  1. upgrade notes
  2. quick start
  3. running iptables
  4. kernel configuration
  5. extension and compilation notes
  6. help! help! help!

[ 0. introduction ]

  The iptables binary is basically a user-space configuration tool
  for the linux kernel's netfilter packet filtering. It can be used
  to configure NAT/MASQUERADING (Network Address Translation),
  firewalling, ip accounting and other things. The package does not
  provide any default rules or security.

[ 1. upgrade notes ]

  init scripts
    If you have upgraded from an earlier version of the iptables
    package, you may still have the deprecated init.d scripts and
    state information installed, but orphaned from the package.
    This was necessary to preserve existing configurations. Run
    "update-rc.d -f iptables remove" and delete this list of files
    and directories to get rid of it all:

    I'm certain someone will file a bug report about the orphaned
    files, but it was done intentionally. Suggestions for a better
    approach are welcomed.

  owner module

    owner module support for kernels versions less than 2.4.20 was 
    officially removed with the 1.2.9-7 upload. It was broken since 
    at least 1.2.9-6.

[ 2. quick start ]

  Here is a quick example of using ifupdown, possibly the simplest
  method of initiating a packet filtering script in Debian. This is
  an example of "auto" and "iface" stanzas in /etc/network/interfaces
  that run the a packet filtering script (with the interface
  name and address as arguments) before actually bringing up the

    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
      pre-up /etc/myfirewall.sh $IFACE $IF_ADDRESS

  The next example uses inline calls to iptables to configure ip
  masquerading (basically, connection sharing) for a ppp or pppoe
  provider. This example is not intended to secure or anything.

    auto ppp0
    iface ppp0 inet ppp
      provider bobsispchickenandribshack
      pre-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
      pre-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFACE -j MASQUERADE

[ 3. running iptables ]

  There are a number of ways to "run" iptables in Debian. The
  closest to standard is the ipmasq package, which walks the
  user through a series of questions to produce a packet filter

  Others may prefer packages like firehol, shorewall, firestarter,
  ipmenu, fireflier, ferm, firewall-easy, fwbuilder-iptables, fwctl,
  gfcc, lokkit, gnome-lokkit, guarddog, hlfl, knetfilter, mason,
  lokkit, easyfw, fiaif, filtergen, guidedog, or uif -- just to name
  some that are packaged for Debian, to configure maintain packet
  filtering rules.
  Do-it-yourselfers may prefer any variety of self-written or
  acquired scripts to run at system startup. These are relatively
  easy to incorporate into Debian's SysV init tree by placing
  the executable script into /etc/init.d and applying it with
  update-rc.d, preferably at a level before any network interfaces
  are configured. (This example calls the script before network
  interfaces are enabled.):
    update-rc.d myfirewall start 40 S . stop 89 0 6 .
  Some may prefer to use iptables-save and iptables-restore to save
  rule sets. The deprecated iptables init.d script in included in
  the example section as a reference for a state based init script.
  You can get the same basic functionality by using saving your
  rules with iptables-save and using ifupdown to apply them.

    # sample /etc/network/interfaces lines
    pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules
    post-down iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.down.rules
  One of the more powerful packet filter configurations is a number
  of scripts called through Debian's ifupdown system. Here is a
  brief introduction to ifupdown:

    Debian uses ifupdown (see ifup(8), ifdown(8) and interfaces(5))
    to manipulate network interfaces. Each interface is provided
    with several scripting hooks: pre-up, up, down, and post-down.
    These hooks are available to each interface as in-line
    directives in /etc/network/interfaces and also as *.d/
    directories called with run-parts (see run-parts(8)):

    There are a couple of caveats with the .d/ directories. They
    are run automatically when interfaces go up and down -- they
    are not the place to store arbitrary scripts. Also, run-parts
    runs all the scripts in those dirs, once for each interface that
    changes state. You can do something like this in shell scripts
    to prevent unwanted duplicate execution:
       test "$IFACE"="eth0"  || exit
    A useful set of variables are passed to the environment of
    the hooks with either the in-line directives or the *.d
    sub-directories. Here is a sample of such variables passed to a
    hook for eth0:

[ 4. kernel configuration ]

  iptables requires kernel netfilter support and support for various
  netfilter capabilities. Here are a hints from the menuconfig
  selections in the kernel source for 2.4.19.

    Networking options  --->
      [X] Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)
        IP: Netfilter Configuration  --->
  ip6tables requires additional settings.

    Code maturity level options  --->
      [X] Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers
    Networking options  --->
    <M>   The IPv6 protocol (EXPERIMENTAL) (NEW)
      IPv6: Netfilter Configuration  --->

[ 5. extension and compilation notes ]

  iptables extensions (plug-ins) are installed in /lib/iptables/.
  There are generally two types of extensions: targets and matches.
  Targets usually have an upper-case portion of the filename: i.e,.
  libipt_SNAT.so is used as "--jump SNAT". Matches are usually all
  lower case: i.e., libipt_owner.so is used as "--match owner".

  The various extensions are built based on the kernel source used
  to compile iptables. iptables source code includes kernel patches
  that will allow additional extensions to be built. The additions
  are not official and are not documented in the iptables man page.
  A number of the extensions conflict with one another, some are
  broken, and some require kernel level changes to netfilter that
  require a specific iptables build. A custom iptables build may
  require a custom kernel build. The custom iptables binaries may
  not work with "regular" and stock kernel builds and packages.

  An innocuous set of additional extensions are included with the
  package as a user convenience, but they are only useful with
  upgraded or custom kernels. No third-party-source is included.

[ 6. help! help! help! ]

  Need more help? You can find more information in
  /usr/share/doc/iptables/. The NAT and packet filtering HOWTOS are
  there in English in HTML format -- other languages are available
  at http://www.iptables.org/ and http://www.netfilter.org/.
  There are example packet filtering scripts available in

  For any problems specific to the Debian iptables package, you can
  send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or file bug reports.
  See http://bugs.debian.org/ and please use the reportbug program
  in the reportbug package for sending bug reports if possible.

  Debian mailing lists, such as debian-firewall and debian-user are
  also available. See http://lists.debian.org/ for more information.
  The iptables/netfilter sites (the URLs are above) also host useful
  mailing lists.

The End.

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